Team Read Summer Wrap-Up and Fall Preview

Team Read Summer Wrap-Up and Fall Preview

Team Read launched our 2021 summer program on July 6th. Many of our Seattle-based coaches and readers who worked together during the school year opted to continue their partnership for five weeks of virtual programming. Team Read’s core program included five different...

Summer Reading Recommendations

1. The Lion of Mars by Jennifer L. Holm Release Date: January, 2021Age Range: 8-12 years About: Bell, who’s spent all eleven years of his life on Mars, is curious about his planet and the secrets the adults in his life are keeping from him about it. When they all fall...

Thank You 2020-21 Site Coordinators!

Team Read site coordinators – the educators who oversee our powerful pairs’ tutoring sessions –  have played a pivotal role in executing our virtual program this year and ensuring everyone had a positive experience during Team Read. They made calls...

Graduations & Summer Fun

Team Read just wrapped up a momentous school year with our first-ever online after school program. Nineteen virtual tutoring sites, serving hundreds of students in Seattle and Highline Public Schools, celebrated a year of reading and some amazing progress by our...

Spring Coach Workshops

deveTeam Read believes young people learn and lead confidently when nurtured, entrusted with responsibility, and are held accountable for their performance. We take a strengths-based approach to our work with young readers and teen coaches, by listening to their...

Reading Coach Reflection: Maija

I started Team Read as an 8th grader working at my old elementary school, Leschi Elementary. A student who had worked as a tutor the previous semester came into my class and did a short presentation on what the program did for students. I decided to become a coach...