Team Read works with independent program evaluators annually to measure impact, stakeholder satisfaction, and areas where we can improve. Stakeholder surveys are one component of our assessment process, with a full report due later this fall. In addition, we’ll highlight achievement data from the evaluation process in the October newsletter.

According to the latest survey results, our stakeholders overwhelmingly agree that Team Read is a strong, consistent program that benefits student readers and coaches and helps students improve their reading skills. Team Read has also played an essential role during the pandemic by providing added reading support that aligns with school districts’ needs. Additionally, recent education research shows that tutoring programs like Team Read assist students in recovering from pandemic-related learning loss.

Support within schools is crucial to Team Read’s success, and 100% of referring teachers and 91% of principals said student readers had improved their reading skills by participating in the program. Additionally, they provided examples of improvements observed in the classroom. And young readers perceived their improvements, too, building confidence in their reading. For example, pulse surveys showed a jump in the percentage of readers who said they could read challenging books – from 33% at the beginning of the school year to 42% near the end. 

One student reader described the impact: “I liked reading, but I was low. Now I am level M, and I LOVE to read!”

Survey results show that Team Read’s program model also continued to improve. The reliable curriculum, combined with strong professional development, supports teen reading coaches, helping them feel successful and confident working with student readers. In a survey, 91% of reading coaches reported that Team Read gave them a chance to make a difference. More than 85% of reading coaches also said they learned to work with different people, developed skills they can use in other work settings, and learned to take the initiative.

Furthermore, reading coaches learned the importance of helping others. “It is rewarding to work with the kids, and it is great to see their reading improve. I think the community we cultivate is good. We learn to share and help each other. It is fulfilling to have that connection and make an impact on someone’s life,” reported a reading coach.

Programs like Team Read are helping students recover from learning loss, too. For example, recent research on Coronavirus learning loss shows that one-to-one tutoring programs focused on specific instruction or curriculum (such as math or reading) can provide the equivalent of five additional months of school over and above what students would have learned without tutoring.

“These survey results highlight how the strong emotional connection between readers and coaches – our Powerful Pairs – is critical to the program’s success and differentiates Team Read from other tutoring programs,” said Melissa Pailthorp, Team Read’s executive director. “We’ll continue to use data from the survey and evaluations to learn from our stakeholders and make improvements.”