Team Read hosted 200+ new coaches and 300+ return coaches for training in October. This year, new tools were added to show our coaches different ways to decode words and work on fluency with student readers. We did some role playing to determine which combination of strategies would work best when a student reader is stuck on a difficult word, and worked on strategies to read fluently with their student reader.
Team Read also added a training session that focused on diversity and inclusion. Teens were asked to reflect on their personal experiences to better understand themselves, develop empathy for others, and gain perspective on their student readers’ background/experiences. “Coming to America/being an immigrant has shaped my values around diversity. This experience makes me strive to put myself in environments that support people of color and reflect my background,” said one of our returning coaches.
We have many eager new and veteran coaches who are ready to tutor and help improve their student’s reading. Amy, who’s been with Team Read for three years, enjoys working with a diverse group of coaches from high schools around the city. “Every time we come together for coach trainings, I feel the potential in the community to do something great for the Team Read kids.” she said. “I am motivated to come back because of the things I can do to help students improve their reading and writing skills.”