Family engagement is more crucial than ever as Team Read launches its first online after school program. We believe that connecting with families is essential to successfully engage with our young readers. This school year, Team Read will communicate with families in several different ways:
- Email: This will continue to be our primary method of communication to students and coaches throughout the year.
- Virtual Open Houses: Last week, we held our first virtual open house to connect with families and students, provide an introduction to Team Read, and help answer questions about the program. We plan to continue hosting these events throughout the school year to keep families informed and provide literacy resources for their young readers.
- Phone Calls: With so much innovative technology it can be easy to forget how effective an old-fashioned phone call can be. Team Read will be reaching out to families before the program begins to ensure they are able to connect and login on the first day of program. Thanks to our wonderful group of volunteers, we were able to contact 350+ parents/guardians and provide translation in several different languages. Team Read staff and site coordinators will continue checking in via phone for attendance as needed.
- Texting App: Team Read will use the TalkingPoints app in Seattle and Remind app in Highline to quickly share important information and reminders with families. Both apps offer translations in several different languages, helping us more effectively communicate with families who do not speak English at home.